Flavia Ruotolo graduated in animated cinema at DAMS in Bologna, sure that moving images would have been her future. But after working for a few years as animator and videographer for the TV, she discovered her love for still images too. So she dedicated herself to graphics and illustration. Some of her picturebooks have been published in France, USA, Germany and the United Kingdom, for MeMo, Hélium Editions and Princeton Architectural Press. With her studio "Le Macchinine" she created designs for children, and in 2017 her works were selected for the tenth edition of the Triennale Design Museum in Milan dedicated to design for children: Giro Giro Tondo. Design for Children. In 2021, she published The Day Time Stopped with Prestel Publishing and the book was reviewed by Mac Barnett for the New York Times. In 2022, some illustrations from the book were selected for the illustrators’ exhibition at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.
Now Flavia Ruotolo lives and works in Genoa, where she tries to combine graphics, illustration, sometimes animation and often atelier for children.