Il mistero dell’eucalipto

Price: €26,00
SKU: 9788833701653
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On the little island of Rasteppape, the peaceful relations between the inhabitants of Koalaville (twenty-five koalas) and Badgerville (twenty-five badgers) turn hostile after the sudden disappearance of the koalas’ eucalyptus leaves. Archibald the koala, the trustworthy detective of the island, is put on the investigations to solve the mystery.
Paul Cox, a great French artist and graphic designer, pays ironic homage to the little elephant Babar, the protagonist of the masterpiece by Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff. Published for the first time in France in 1987, the book series The adventures of Archibald the Koala finally arrives in Italy.

A book for: 
  • making friends with all the inhabitants of the Rastepappe island;
  • enjoying Paul Cox’s irony;
  • looking forward to reading the next chapter of the book series.