Rimanere sul sentiero

Price: €16,00
SKU: 9788833701561
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Being prepared for a mountain hike means having suitable clothes, comfortable boots, a rucksack with spare clothes, some protein food, enough water, a notebook for taking notes and binoculars for seeing from a safe distance. Together with Elisabetta Tosoni and Elisabetta Mitrovic, you can set off for an adventure following the tracks of bears, wolves, ungulates, rodents and birds - hopefully avoiding any close encounter. If ever so, though, you'll know what to do and, above all, not to do! This is a book for children to discover mountain landscapes and learn many different things about its inhabitants.

A book for: 
  • understanding why it is so important to keep on the trail; 
  • knowing what strategies wild animals adopt; 
  • observing nature and becoming aware that any behaviour affects the environment. 

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