Nadia Budde

Nadia Budde was born in 1967 in Berlin, where she lives and works as an illustrator. She studied Visual Communication Studies at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. In 2008 she was Visiting Professor at the Hochschule für Kunst und Design Burg Giebichenstein, and since 2005 she has been given various teaching assignments, lectures, workshops at home and abroad. From 2013 to 2015, she did artist residencies in Kyrgyzstan, India and Italy. Among her publications: Eins Zwei Drei Tier, Peter Hammer Verlag 1999; Such dir was aus, aber beeil dich, S.Fischer Verlag 2009; Durch & Durch, das tolle Heft Nr.45, Büchergilde Gutenberg 2016. She was awarded Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (German Children´s Literature Award), Oldenburger Kinder und Jugendbuchpreis (Children's and Young People's Book Prize), Max und Moritz Preis.

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