La zuppa Lepron

Price: €20,00
SKU: 9788833700922
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Mr Lepron is a beautiful hare, with a shiny fur and long ears. He has a nice, cosy lair, many children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, and a passion for vegetables. Indeed, Mr. Lepron is the best soup cook in the world. All animals in the forest wander how his soup tastes so good and what his secret is. So one day, Mr Lepron opens a factory, where huge pots of his soup cook night and day before being canned and shipped all over the world. But his success is soon to be threatened... After Professional crocodile, translated into ten languages, Giovanna Zoboli and Mariachiara Di Giorgio are back with a story that will amaze adults, children and the whole animal kingdom. [Text in Italian]

A book for: 
  • reading a story with the whole family;
  • starting a soup competion;
  • finding details into illustrations.
Also published in: 
Russian, Korean.