Sleep tight sleep light

Price: €20,00
SKU: 9788898523092
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Every evening, somewhere in this big, crazy world, a baby does not show up at the usual evening rendez-vous with sleep. Bed is deserted. Where can he ever be gone? Maybe he got lost. Or maybe he was caught up in traffic. Or he met someone: a very interesting type. Or maybe he just took a flight and he is gallopping somewhere in the prairies. Maybe he is swimming, or has been caught in a storm... A dazed lullaby for children bewitched by the moon and its adventurous nature. A gallery of images happily dreamy, blending past and present, color drawings and family photos in black and white. To suggest that the time of goodnight and the game of the creating new, fantastic worlds go always together, in the timeless twilight welcoming the dreams of every child.
[Text in Italian]

A book for: 
  • creating our own goodnight ritual together;
  • enjoying retracing our family history.