Price: €10,00
SKU: 9788833700229
Foreign rights:
Once upon a time there were three little pigs. Or rather, two little male-pigs; because the third one was a female-pig. So begins this new version of the famous fairy tale. The introduction of the female character brings a revolution in the plot. Because the third little pig, although scared by the wolf, does not want to stay calm into a comfortable, safe and warm house waiting. Unlike her brothers, she is not so sure this is a good idea. And so she comes up with a solution of her own. A very clever one. A great author writes her own version of this classic, and a master illustrator reinvents her own sign. The result is a real masterpiece.
[Text in Italian]
A book for:
- thinking about the meaning of "to live in";
- describing their ideal home;
- comparing this version with the traditional tale.
Also published in:
French, Portuguese (Brazil).